Relational Life Therapy

At Blue Door, we have always been committed to helping couples address and work through their relationship challenges. More recently, we have become increasingly excited by Relational Life Therapy (RLT) as a way of working more effectively with even the most challenging of relationship issues.

RLT was developed in the USA by Terry Real and is sparking widespread interest as a fast and dynamic way to improve relationships. To that end, we have 10 therapists at Blue Door currently engaged in various stages of RLT training, with several more about to start. Blue Door has developed a close relationship with Terry and the RLT Foundation, and is in the process of  creating the London home for RLT therapy.

Couples who engage in RLT often see dramatic shifts in their relationship; in part because of the skills and techniques of the RLT therapist, but this alone is not sufficient to bring about change. It is only the couple who can implement the learning and insights from the therapy. Therefore success is determined by the willingness and commitment of the couple to do things differently, which the skilled RLT therapist then coaches and supports. 

RLT Therapists