Child, Adolescent and Family Service

The Blue Door Child, Adolescent and Family Service works with children, adolescents and their families with a range of needs. Deciding to seek support for your child and family is an important step and yet it can feel daunting working out what help you need. After contacting the practice, Araminta Scarfe, Head of the Child, Adolescent and Family Service, will discuss your particular circumstances and think with you about who might be the right therapist from the team to support you.

We aim to provide compassionate, relational support to families throughout the time that they are working with Blue Door. Children and young people usually have weekly therapy sessions, but the regularity will be decided upon with your therapist. Sessions may take place at Fitzroy Square or online.

Parents might also work with a therapist, either individually, as a parenting couple or in joint sessions with their child. Relationships within a family can sometimes be tricky and having support from a trusted therapist can increase understanding, develop relationships and break patterns of behaviour.

At Blue Door, we recognise that the system of support around children and young people – their family, school and other professionals are important too. Therefore it may be helpful for the therapist to widen support to include some of these key people.  

We work closely with a network of mental health professionals with a range of specialist knowledge and experience. When it is needed, we can support children, young people and their families through the referral process for psychiatric and psychological intervention.

Child, Adolescent and Family Specialists